Friday, September 27, 2013

Why "Just a Nurse"?

I have been pondering why I entitled this blog with the phrase "Just a Nurse".

I absolutely don't know.

With all the answers that could come up my mind, I thought "Just a Nurse" meant my profession... but the phrase screams out how ordinary I feel even if I know there's something extraordinary about me (not that I'm bragging or anything... It's a moment of self-confidence). Maybe, I'm too lazy to think of a catchy title for my blog.

Well, honestly... to tell you the truth, the phrase "Just a Nurse" is quite an understatement, and an insulting one at that. Nurses aren't "just nurses". They're the so-called angels in the hospital, the front-liner in the health care field, the pawns of medicine. We executed the SUGGESTIONS (yes, emphasis on that word) that the doctors give. We are not maids. We are an independent profession that requires a team (it may sound like it doesn't make sense but it will once you really understand it). As front-liners, we act as team leaders for we are the first contact to patients.

Now, back to the question... Why?

I am one of the many unemployed nurses in the country (or maybe even the world). I am also one of many who have great dreams and is still wondering what I could, as a member, contribute to such an underestimated profession. Maybe that's why I chose the phrase, to shout let everyone know that nurses are people too, we have feelings, we have a duty and a responsibility to serve people.

In relating this to my life, I don't refer to the phrase simply because it's my profession. It's my passion, my dream. It's actually stating that "it's just me, a nurse, who loves and care for everything and anything that life has to offer." It also gave me the confidence to be strong and to appreciate the things and beauty that surrounds me with regards to life, people and places. I'm someone who holds a sentimental value over lots of things which may sometimes seem weird or off but that's who I am. I am just a nurse. I am simply just being ME. A Nurse values life. A nurse wants her patients to live their life to the fullest with hope, faith and love and as a person, regardless of being a nurse or not, wants others to feel that way too.